Robot game/design

What is the Robot game about?

Every year there is a new mat based on the new theme. The 2018-2019 FLL theme is, "Into Orbit". A mission is a challenge that you robot has to complete to aim for a certain amount of points, in 2 1/2 minutes.

A tip to consider during the Robot Game is to use a guide so the Robot always launches from the same spot and bieng more precise. The missions that you pick should be close together and should match everyone on the team's skill level. Something else to consider on programming the Robot, you want to use Modular blocks which can be made from, "My Block Builder". These blocks call upon a series of blocks and puts it into one block. This helps you be more organized instead of using twenty blocks just one mission.

This is the "Into Orbit " theme table

What is the robot design?

The RobotDesign is where you explain your robot to the judges. We told them about our attachments/ contraptions, which are the ones which do the mission. We also the judges our choice of the route of the robot, and the style we did the programming in. They would also ask you questions on the programming, and also maybe your favourite runs. You really should be prepared!